Friday 2 November 2012

a question of identity

first couple of weeks in project brief was a new experience as i felt unsure about the title and its possibilities, 'a question of identity' seemed too broad and maybe overdone in the artistic world. i worked through this by collecting research, drawing lots and going for a walk.... 
 people watched at the british museum, explored its collections, the history of mankind, drew from coins, ceramics and ruins of homes
 walked along the thames to the tate modern and saw an exhibition in which artists created 'spaces', allowed me to question the element of home in identity
 asked to create ten three dimensional pieces from research, chose the patterned elements and worked simply and quickly with plastic folding it and creating see through shapes
then transformed three dimensional into two dimensional again to see its effects, abstracting to a level which created geometric shapes which contrasted to initial research
reflecting back on initial title began with looking into badges, their meaning and how they reflect an identity, started new obsession into how they are worn, their history, why they were used as such strong indicators. drawing from own badges allowed me to see how they reflect identity through a symbol/colour/shape/pattern, questioning size and how they are worn on the outside of clothes while reflecting the inside....

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